Sheik Hassan Dyck aborda o mundo através da sabedoria Sufi e também através de uma janela para a beleza divina: a música.
"Há uma música, digamos, no mundo invisível. Pode dizer-se que uma música universal ou música angelical. Mas só alguns podem ouvir, aqueles com o coração completamente puro. "
Celebra o humor como "um dos atributos mais belos de Deus".
Cello Melody (lyrics of a song by Shaykh Hasan of Germany)
People travel north, south, east and west only as a guest
'til one day they ride in the black car with flowers having lost all their powers
they call me to play for their ceremony at the cemetary
When they let the coffin in the ground I start my sound
with ta mellow cello-melody at the cemetary
Are you waiting for the black cadillac?
Even if there was a multi-millionaire the'd bring him here
In his life he was too much troubled how his money could be doubled
His mind never rested day or night until he died
When they let the coffin in the ground I start my sound
With a mellow cello-melody at the cemetary
Are you waiting for the black cadillac?
Too many people don't like to stay bound their feet on the ground
they'll do anything in order to fly except asking why
body-motors burning out from so much speed but they pay no heed ...
When they let the coffin in the ground I start my sound
with ta mellow cello-melody at the cemetary
Are you waiting for the black cadillac?
If I have enough for my daily life for what more do I strive ?
Maybe today, maybe tomorrow all my friends will be in sorrow
'cause they closed my coffin with nails everywhere I can't escape from there
When they let my coffin in the ground who will start my sound with a mellow cello-melody at the cemetary ? ...
I'm waiting for the black cadillac
21 de outubro de 2011
5 de outubro de 2011
Oceanos de Misericórdia. Sufismo em Portugal: Dhikr em Lisboa, sexta-feira dia 7 de Outubro às 2...

Oceanos de Misericórdia. Sufismo em Portugal: Dhikr em Lisboa, sexta-feira dia 7 de Outubro às 2...: اعوذ بالله من الشّيطان الرّجيم ، بسم الله الرّحمان الرّحيم Participação livre e gratuita É favor confirmar a presença: latifrabbani@gmail....
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